четверг, 23 марта 2017 г.

Sights of Khakassia

The Tuim fault

photo: http://slavcharms.ru

The Tuim fault is a technogenic failure at the site of the underground mine, closed in 1954, near the village of Tuim. Initially, tungsten ores were worked, copper-molybdenum ores were later identified.

The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

photo: http://slavcharms.ru

The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP named after PS Neporozhniy is the largest power plant in Russia at the installed capacity, and the 9th one is among the operating hydroelectric power stations in the world.

The Chests

photo: http://slavcharms.ru

The mountain range The Chests are a natural and historical monument of nature of national importance in Ordzhonikidzevsky and Shirinsky districts of the Republic of Khakassia. June 18, 2011 in the mountain range opened a museum-reserve "Chests". Area - 2100 hectares

Ivanovskie lakes

photo: http://slavcharms.ru
Ivanovskie lakes are a natural object in the Republic of Khakassia, a planned regional nature park in the highland belt, on the upper boundary of the forest of the eastern macroslope of the Kuznetsk Alatau, in the vicinity of the Bobrovaya and Bolshoi Kanym mountains and the Ivanovo Lake

Big Salbyksky mound

photo: http://slavcharms.ru

Big Salbyksky mound is the largest megalithic mound of the Middle Yenisei basin. The monument of Tagarsk culture. It is guarded by the state, the museum "Ancient burial mounds of the Salbykskaya steppe"

Pandora's box

photo: http://slavcharms.ru

Pandora's box is a cave on the left bank of the Belyi Iyus River, in the Kuznetsk Alatau, a republic. The length of the cave passages of the cave is about 11 km, the depth is more than 180 m.

Cave Borodinskaya

photo: http://slavcharms.ru

Cave Borodinskaya - a geological monument of nature of national importance in the Bograd region of Khakassia. It was formed by the decision of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Executive Committee No. 351-13 of 08.06.1977.

Cities of Khakassia

                                 The flag and coat of arms of the Abakan

Biography of Abakan begins with the first prison, laid in September 1675 on Pine Island near Ulus Ahti Gay - the future village of Ust-Abakanskoe. More than 200 years, the present Abakan will be known as the village of Ust-Abakanskoe. In 1925, an attempt was made to rename it to the city of Khakassk. However, this name was not fixed, and in 1931 the settlement was named - Abakan, by the name of the river, on the banks of which it stretches.

Preobrazhensky Cathedral

In 1925, with the construction of the railway Achinsk-Minusinsk, Abakan station was opened, between the village of the railway station and the village of Ust-Abakan began construction of residential areas, April 30, 1931, transformed into the city of Abakan

The coat of arms Abaza
Abaza - a small town in Khakassia, located in the mountains 180 km south-west of the city of Abakan on the bank of the river. Abakan.

The settlement of Abaza originated in 1856 in connection with the development of the Abakan iron ore deposit. In 1867, the Ural merchant Kolchugin here founded iron foundry and ironworks, operating until 1926. From 1926 to 1957 the deposit was not exploited. Hence the name of the village - Abaza (Abakansky Zavod). There is also an alternative version that the name of the village is Khakassian, in translation means "Bear's paw" (ABA - in Khakassia "bear"). Apparently, therefore, the coat of arms of Abaza depicts a bear in a blacksmith apron and a hammer in his hand (in the paw).

                                  The flag and coat of arms of the Sayanogorsk

Sayanogorsk is the youngest and most progressive city in Khakassia. November 6, 1975 On the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the working settlement Oznachennoye was transformed into a city of regional subordination Sayanogrosk. At the time, the Sayano-Shushensky stone-working plant operated on the territory of the newly formed city. Bogoslovskij lespromkhoz, motor transport enterprise, several construction organizations. The intense construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant, the Sayan aluminum plant, on the construction of which 8 thousand people worked, came to Khakassia from all corners of our country. The number of r.p. This was 7.6 thousand people in the year of Sayanogorsk's formation. The nearby townships of the urban type of Maina and Cheryomushki, which are part of the city limits, numbered 8 and 4,5 thousand people respectively. In all three settlements there were social infrastructure facilities: schools, kindergartens, housing and communal services, shops, 1 hospital for 240 beds, etc. The village known, standing on the site of the city, has a long history. "The designated item is the border of the Russian state," it is written in historical documents. Here there was a border pillar and a sentinel tower of Cossacks, and nearby there were summer camps of local population. In 1830, peasants from the village of Ochura, the Russian settlers, the father and sons of Solomatova, founded the village of Shushenskaya volost of the Minusinsk district near the Meinsky rapids.

  The flag and coat of arms of the Sorsk

The town of Sorsk is located 121 km northwest of Abakan, in the spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau, near the Erbinskaya station on the Achinsk-Abakan railway. The population is 16 thousand people. In 1937 in the basin of the river. A deposit of molybdenum was discovered in the sores. In 1939 the village was founded. Dzerzhinsky, after the name of the mine, which was named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. Received the status of the city in 1966.
 Sorsk is the largest enterprise in Russia, the largest molybdenum plant in Russia, commissioned in 1953. Productivity is 6 million tons of ore per year, with an underground method of field development. As part of the molybdenum plant, a mining unit and a dressing plant. The main products of the plant are molybdenum and copper concentrates. In cooperation with the plant, there is a large silicate brick plant using waste from molybdenum production.

   The flag and coat of arms of the Chernogorsk

The Center of Coal Industry of the Republic of Khakassia. The population is about 77 thousand people.

Chernogorsk is a mining town by birth and destination. It is located 18 km from Abakan. From the mountain that is in the central part of the city, you can see the Krasnoyarsk Sea. The deposit of coal was discovered here in 1907. At the same time Montenegrin mines were laid. The hostess of the mines was VA Balandina, known in the circle of the business and intellectual world as one of the enlightened women of Siberia, trained in the Sorbonne, the initiator of the construction of the Minusinsk-Achinsk railroad.

The first mine she laid in the steppe at the outlet of the coal strata, 9 versts from the Yenisei. A tiny village at the mine consisted of two barracks and several dugouts. It was difficult not only to get coal, but also to deliver it to the consumer. Balandin builds a railway from the mines to the nearest pier on the Yenisei River, buys a steamer, buys barges to deliver coal to Krasnoyarsk.

The population of Khakassia

The population of Khakassia according to Rosstat is 537 668 people (2017).

Population of Khakassia (wikipedia.org)

National composition
In total, in the Republic of Khakassia, according to the 2002 census, representatives of more than 100 nationalities lived. For comparison: according to the results of the First All-Union Population Census of 1926, Khakassians (50.0%) and Russians lived mainly in the Khakass District.

Although the number of Khakas in the republic has increased, as the 2002 census showed, the country's scale has decreased: in 1989, there were 79,000 Khakas in Russia, and in 2002 - 76,000. Reasons for the decline in numbers are a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the mortality rate, and migration. In 2002, out of the total number of Khakassians, 25.1 thousand people. (38.3%) lived in urban settlements, 40.3 thousand people (61.7%) lived in rural areas. The majority of the indigenous population live in the Askiz region (31.6%), Abakan (28.2%), Tashtypsky district (11.9%), a smaller proportion of the Khakas live in the Bograd region (0.9%) (this is predominantly inhabited by Russians District), Sayanogorsk (1%), Chernogorsk (2%). According to the 2002 census, out of the total number of Russians, 333.2 thousand people live in urban settlements (76.0%), 105.2 thousand people live in rural areas.

National composition of Khakassia

The history of Khakassia from the ancient centuries to the XVI century.

In the VIII century large urban centers appeared in medieval Khakassia, temple, palace and administrative complexes were being built.
The most important was the central metropolitan city - Khakass Ordu-Balyk in the delta of the river. Uibat.
 Ruins of the city-fortress Har Bukhyn Balgas (legendtour.ru)
City plan and fortress Har Bukhyn Balgas (legendtour.ru)

In the second half of VIII century in the upper reaches of the Uibat a temple city appeared - the Khakass Tigir-Balyk. The ancient Khakass state was raided by the Kaganate of the Turks and Uighurs.
From 632 on, the Khakassians sought allies to fight the conquerors in China.
In the early VIII century. The greatest threat to the ancient Khakas was represented by the Khanate of the Orkhon Turks (Orkhon is a river in Mongolia, where the rate of the Turkic kagan was located).

The legendary Khakass ruler Bars-Beg, having enlisted the support of the Chinese and Türgers (the Turkic-speaking people of Central Asia), declared himself a kagan, which meant a claim to complete independence of the ancient Khakass state.
Khakass ruler - Bars-beg

In 710-711 years. The Turks undertook a military campaign through the Sayans, won and killed the Bars-kagan.
Soon in the 40's. VIII century. The Turks were defeated by the Uighurs, who founded their Kaganate and became full masters of Central Asia since 745.
At the beginning of the IX. The ruler of the ancient Khakass state again declared himself a kagan, which led to a twenty-year war with the Uighurs.
Finally, in 840, the ancient Khakass army attacked the Uighur capital, Ordu-Balyk. The Uighur kagan fell in battle, his army was scattered. This period of history is called "the Kyrgyz great power".
In the middle of IX century. The ancient Khakass state in the west reached the Irtysh, in the north and east it was confined to the Angara, in the south - to the Gobi Desert.
Trade relations continued to expand - caravans from the cities of East Turkestan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, China and Tibet came to Khakassia.
By the 9th c. Part of the ancient Khakass nobility adopted one of the religions that arose in Western Asia - Manichaeism. By the period of the formation and strengthening of the ancient Khakass state (VI-VIII centuries) are the last grandiose megalithic complexes - the teaatas (in Khakassia - the "stone of war").
X-XI centuries. Is the time of the maximum power of the Kyrgyz Kaganate.
In 1207 the territory of Khakassia was included in the Mongolian nomadic empire as tumen. In 1293, not only the ancient Khakass state was finally destroyed, but all the achievements of the Sayano-Altai peoples: plow agriculture with artificial irrigation, town planning, writing, a high level of the state system and many other socio-economic and cultural achievements.
At the end of the XIV century. The valley of the Middle Yenisei was taken over by the Oirats, which in 1399 was led by the Kyrgyz dynasty. In the period from XV to XVII centuries. XV-XVI century. Various tribal groups of the Minusinsk hollow under the aegis of the Kyrgyz formed the ethnopolitical association "Khongor" or "Khongorai".

to be continued....The Republic of Khakassia in the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Khakassia: Geography and climate

Khakassia It is located in the south-east of Siberia, in the western part of the Minusinsk hollow. It borders on the north and east with Krasnoyarsk Krai, in the south and south-west - with Tuva and the Republic of Altai, in the west - with the Kemerovo region.

Location of Khakassia in the territory of Russia (Picture from Wikipedia)

The mountainous (eastern slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau and the Abakan ridge, the northern slopes of the Western Sayan - an altitude of up to 2,930 m) and the flat (Minusinsk, Chulymo-Yenisei basins) are distinguished. The main rivers are the Yenisei and its tributary the Abakan. Numerous lakes with fresh (Black, Fyrkal, Itkul) and salty (Bele, Shira, etc.) water. Minerals: coal, iron ore, nonferrous and rare and non-ferrous metals (copper, molybdenum, lead, gold, etc.), gypsum, building materials, etc.

(Photo from meiya.artphoto.pro)

MINUSINSKIY KOTLOVIN (Khakas-Minusinsk), in the mountains of the South. Siberia, between the Kuznetsk Alatau, Zap. Sayan and Vost. Sayan. The relief is predominantly slightly hilly. Height from 200-300 to 700 m. The large river is Yenisei. Deposits of coal. One of the important agricultural areas. In Minusinsk Basin - the city of Minusinsk, Abakan.
Minusinskiy Kotlovin on the map (photo from geographyofrussia.com)

The climate is sharply continental. Winter is cold and snowless, the average January temperature is from -15 ° C to -21 ° C. Summers are hot (the average July temperature is +17 ° C +19 ° C), in the foothills and mountains it is cooler. Precipitation from 300 mm per year, in valleys to 700 mm in the mountains. Vegetation period is up to 150 days (in valleys).

(Photo from discovery-khakasia.ru)

It is located in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. In the mountains, sod-podzolic soils prevail, as well as mountain-taiga podzolic and mountain-tundra soils. In the intermontane basins and partly in the foothills - chernozems. In the lower parts of the basins there are dry steppes, along the margin there are herbaceous steppes and forest-steppe. Mountain-taiga forests rise to a height of 1200 m in the north, 1600 m and higher in the south. On dry slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau - light coniferous taiga from larch and pine, on the slopes of the Abakan ridge and Western Sayan - dark coniferous forests with a predominance of fir and cedar.
The mole, ermine, columns, squirrel, hare, wolf, fox, bear have been preserved; Hazel grouse, wood grouse; Taimen, tench, burbot, etc. On the territory of Khakassia are the reserves of Small Abakan, Chazy.