четверг, 22 декабря 2016 г.

Khakasia Culture "Salbyksky huge mound" (Салбыкский Курган)

Large Salbyksky mound - ruinirovannye remains of the largest mound of the Middle Yenisei basin, got its name from the valley Salbyksky. It is Kamyzyaksky steppe, five kilometers from the highway Abakan - Sora and approximately 70 kilometers from the national center. For the first time Big Salbyksky mound was described in 1739 by Russian scientist and traveler Gerard Frederick Miller during the "first academic expedition." Excavated mound in 1954-56. expedition of the Institute of History of Material Culture and Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History, under the direction of SV Kiselyov. Scientists estimate that in ancient times, the height of the pyramid of earth up to 30 meters. By the beginning of excavation of the mound already washed over much, but in this way the height of the hill reached 12 meters.

Photo: Ruschudo.ru

The area where the Salbyksky mound, archaeologists called the Valley of the Kings. "Road Spirits" Salbyksky Valley led the souls of the dead across the ridge of hills on the sunset in the "upper" heavenly world. Besides Big Salbyksky mound here, in an area of a few tens of kilometers, are located and other equally grandiose tombs of prehistoric chiefs of the kingdoms of the Middle Yenisei, and more than 50 large mounds. But the greatest of these is exactly Large Salbyksky, built in the IV-V centuries BC.

Photo: Ruschudo.ru

Barrow is a stone square (area of 70 * 70 m) from the huge slabs Devonian sandstone (weighing 50-70 tons) brought over a hundred kilometers from the banks of the Yenisei. From a distance it looks like a stone forest. It is believed that it was also an ancient temple and an astronomical observatory (the ways of movement of the Sun and the Moon). It is still a mystery what device was used for the importation and installation of these stones. In the corners and the sides of the stone fences were dug large menhirs, only 23 stone up to 6 meters high.
Photo: Ruschudo.ru

Photo: Ruschudo.ru

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