Kobyltsova Nadezhda Yakovlevna 1958
Nadezhda Yakovlevna Kobyltsova was born on December 22, 1958 in the village of Bondarevo, Beysky District, Khakass Autonomous Region. Works in the genres of portrait, landscape, still life, composition, constantly participates in city exhibitions with picturesque and graphic portraits and still lifes, tried herself and in design work.
She studied at the Kemerovo Art College (1974-1978), and later studied painting at the Faculty of Art at the Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute. (1982-1987). After graduation she worked in Ussuriisk, took part in city exhibitions. Since 1990, Nadezhda Yakovlevna worked at the Blagoveshchensk Pedagogical School. More than once she became a participant of exhibitions of teachers of the school, a zonal youth exhibition in Khabarovsk. In 1991 she participated in the city exhibition of Blagoveshchensk "Golden Autumn", "Nude model". In 1992 - in the exhibition of artists of Blagoveshchensk in Moscow.
In Abakan, she becomes a participant of city exhibitions: young artists, women artists "Giving Light", family "Family World", as well as teachers of the Abakan Children's Art School named after D.I. Karatanov, where he teaches from 1992 to the present.
Kobyltsova N.Ya. Khakass dresses of 2003 oil on canvas 100x140
She studied at the Kemerovo Art College (1974-1978), and later studied painting at the Faculty of Art at the Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute. (1982-1987). After graduation she worked in Ussuriisk, took part in city exhibitions. Since 1990, Nadezhda Yakovlevna worked at the Blagoveshchensk Pedagogical School. More than once she became a participant of exhibitions of teachers of the school, a zonal youth exhibition in Khabarovsk. In 1991 she participated in the city exhibition of Blagoveshchensk "Golden Autumn", "Nude model". In 1992 - in the exhibition of artists of Blagoveshchensk in Moscow.
Kobyltsova N.Ya. Peonies. 2002. Oil on canvas, 80 x 60
Kobyltsova N.Ya. Artist G. Lysenko oil on canvas 80 x 60, 2004
Awards: 2002 - the diploma for the 1st place in the nomination "Painting" of the 3rd exhibition-contest "Golden Brush"; 2002 - Diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Russian Cultural Foundation; 2003 - a letter of thanks of Krasnoyarsk regional organization of the Union of Artists for participation in the regional exhibition "Artists of Siberia - Surikov"; 2007 - commemorative medal of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia "300 Years of Voluntary Entering of Khakassia into the Russian State" and others.
Kobyltsova N.Ya. Song of Khakassia. 1987 Oil on canvas, 150 х 220
The works are kept in the Novokuznetsk Art Museum, the Abakan City Picture Gallery, in the Cultural and Exhibition Center of Prokopyevsk, in private Russian and foreign collections. Personal exhibitions: 1998 (in / hall "Zharki", Abakan, the Krasnoturan Local History Museum); 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004 (National Library named after NG Domozhakov); 2003 (Montenegrin Local History Museum together with AG Kobyltsov) and others. N.Ya. Kobyltsova is a member of the Artists' Union since 1996. She lives in Abakan.
Kobyltsova N.Ya. Girlfriends from Arshanov. 1986. Cardboard, oil, 62 х 79
The author of the article is M.P. Chebodayeva, the candidate of art criticism writes about the artist:
For N.Ya. Kobyltsova is characterized by an organic synthesis of decorative and imaginative principles, modern world perception and traditional folk poetics. Sincerity of feelings, freshness of the picturesque language help the artist to reveal life in bright, emotionally meaningful images.
Kobyltsova N.Ya. Blossom pikulya - sing tahpah. 1997. Oil on canvas, 78 х 98
In the canvases "Flowering Pikuli - Singing Tahpahs" (1997) and "Secret Collusion" (1997) Kobyltsova creates on the people's basis the image of a person living in harmony with the surrounding world and nature. In the works one can meet old Khakassians, young girls and young men in folk costumes. Beautifully depicted nature, permeated with a joyful perception of life, an optimistic outlook, a love for their native land. Her vivid painting leads to the world of traditional life of the people, to the world of ancient customs and festivals, village everyday life.
Kobyltsova N.Ya. Collusion. 1997. Oil on canvas, 101 х 79
With love and professional understanding, the artist draws women's dresses, vests (sighedeks), headdresses, patterns on embroidered dresses, breastplates (pogo), wonderful old ornaments and whimsical patterns on clothes. Kobyltsova's nature is beautiful and unusual. Transformed by the talent of the artist, she appears before us in a colorful symphony filled with complex rhythm and harmony, serving as an addition to the national holiday. She loves and understands folk art and tries to comprehend and combine traditions with modernity, which are undoubtedly ethnographic in nature, bringing in their works an amazing warmth and spontaneity.
Kobyltsova N.Ya. In the workshop of E.G. Chaptykova. 2004. Cardboard, oil, 80 х 83
In the painting "In the workshop of E.G. Chaptykova "(2004) refers to her favorite topic - the image of the work of folk craftsmen. The coordination and beauty of the embroiderer's movements suggested to the artist a clear rhythm of the picture, mobility, musicality of its construction, internally correlated with the pattern of Khakass embroidery. Clean, intense colors, smooth lines give the image a sonorous festivity.
Kobyltsova N.Ya. Preparation of Talgan. 1998. Oil on canvas, 78.5 x 97
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