The Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia is an official document containing a set of information on the status, distribution and conservation measures of rare and endangered species (subspecies, populations) of animals, plants and fungi that live on the territory of the Republic of Khakassia
СИБИРСКИЙ ОСЁТР восточно-сибирский подвид Acipenser baeri stenorrhynchus A. Nikolsky, 1896
Photo from Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia
ЧЕРНОЗОБАЯ ГАГАРА Gavia arctica (Linnaeus, 1758)
МАНУЛ Felis manul Pallas, 1776
Photo from Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia
ВОЛК КРАСНЫЙ Cuon alpinus Pallas, 1881
Photo from Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia
Outside and inside, the tail is fluffy. Winter fur is long, thick. Length
Bodies of adults about 100 cm, body weight up to 20 kg. Coloring of the sides and
Backs reddish, belly and lower part of sides white;
КАБАРГА Moschus moschiferus Linnaeus, 1758
2, rarely 3 or 1 are born in June.
External appearance.The beast is of medium size. Body length up to 100 cm, height
At the withers up to 70 cm, body weight up to 18 kg. No horns. The males have curved upper sharp fangs up to 10 cm long. The wool is very thick, so the wool-
The cover is dense, brown, of different saturation with light
Spots mostly on the sides and back.
СИБИРСКИЙ ОСЁТР восточно-сибирский подвид Acipenser baeri stenorrhynchus A. Nikolsky, 1896
Photo from Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia
Spread.In the river. Yenisei within the Republic of Khakassia is marked on the section of inter-
Up of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir and the dam of the Main hydroelectric power station. A small group is present in the Krasnoyarsk reservoir
Ecology and biology.Semi-pass and residential. On the territory of Khakassia, the sturgeon
Flax only living form. Maturation of males occurs at the age of 15-17 years. Females mature at the age of 20-25 years. Periodicity of spawning
For males - once in three years, for females - every five years.
External appearance. The shape of the body, like all other species of sturgeon, is elongated spindle-shaped. The length of the snout varies greatly, the lower lip is interrupted. Antennae simple, very rarely friable. Coloring of back and sides from light gray to dark brown.
Acipenser ruthenus
Linnaeus, 1758
Phto from
Spread. On the territory of Khakassia is extremely rare and irregular,
Mainly during the autumn migration
Ecology and biology. River fish, prefers sites with a rapid current. For foraging
Enters the tributaries. It hibernates on the "pits" in a state of numbness. Males of the Yenisei sterlet population ripen at the age of 6-8 years when they reach a length of 55 cm and more, the mass of the body is more than 750 g.
External appearance. The smallest representative of the genus of sturgeon in the fresh waters of the Russian Federation. Body elongated, fusiform. Snout lengthened, pointed, slightly flattened, lower lip interrupted. In front of the mouth there are 4 fanciful tendrils. Along the body 5 rows of bone bugs.
ЧЕРНОЗОБАЯ ГАГАРА Gavia arctica (Linnaeus, 1758)
Photo from
Spread. On the territory of Khakassia is extremely rare and irregular,
Mainly during the autumn migration
Ecology and biology. Inhabits the subzone
Moss-lichen tundra. Nesting biotopes are the most dry and elevated areas with a well-developed river network with lakes and islands
External appearance. The size of a small goose. Body weight is 1500-3400 g, wingspan is 1100-1300 mm. Head and neck light gray, throat and front part of neck in summer black with purple metallic tint. The beak is straight, dark.
Podiceps nigricollis C. L.
Brehm, 1831
Photo from Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia
Spread. In Khakassia has been nesting since the 1990s, it was found locally in the steppe and forest-steppe belts . At the present time, nesting in the tracts of "Sorokaozyorki", "Triozhyorki", on the lake. Bugayovo (Altai, Beysky districts), Ilyichevsk and Novotroitsk, Kapchalinsky lakes,
Ecology and biology. It lives on a variety of fresh and brackish-water reservoirs. Less than other dregs gravitate toward thickets of surface vegetation [4]. In the spring on the reservoirs of the Shirin steppe appears in late April - early May, a stable span - May 8-15.
External appearance.Small waterfowl, body weight 200-450 g,
The span of the wings is 560-600 mm. In the wedding dress, the upper part of the body and neck
Black, ventral side white. On the sides of the head behind the eyes are beams of gold-
Tisto-red feathers. The end of the dark gray plug, the tip of the beak's ka-
Is twisted upwards.
Platalea leucorodia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Photo from Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia
Spread. In Khakassia, birds with an irregular nesting pattern are noted. The area of the lower reaches of the river is a relatively permanent meeting of this bird. Abakan in the vicinity of the settlements of Safyanovo and Shalginovo.
Ecology and biology. It inhabits large steppe ponds with shoals and continuous thickets of cane, reeds and willows, as well as river spills, which are rarely visited by humans. Spring arrives in the third decade of April - early May.
External appearance. External appearance. Large-sized water bird. Body weight 1,2-2
Kg, the wingspan is 1150-1350 mm. Males are larger than females. Body coloring
White, in the nuptial dress on the nape develops yellowish crest, swine,
Sowing on the back, and a buffy spot at the base of the neck. The bill is dark brown with a yellowish tip.
Uncia uncia Schreber, 1776
Photo from Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia
Spread.Currently, the species is present in three centers: Altaic, West- and Central-Sahara In the 1970s. The facts of the snow leopard habitat in the upper reaches of the rivers Abakan, Kantegir, Ona
Ecology and biology.I. Snow leopards are characterized by habitats located
Waiting 1500 and 4000 m above sea level, where he adheres to alpine meadows and rocks. Where he is not persecuted, he can exist in the belt of arboreal and shrubby vegetation
External appearance.The sizes are large enough, the trunk is long, the legs are low. The body length is up to 130 cm, the tail is up to 200 cm, the height at the withers is about 60 cm, weight is up to 40 kg. Claws stitching, spotted staining with dark ring spots. The general tone of color is light, almost white. Hairline long, very thick, luxuriantМАНУЛ Felis manul Pallas, 1776
Photo from Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia
Spread. In Khakassia occasionally occurs in the border areas with Tuva.
Signs of its habitat were noted repeatedly in the upper reaches of the river. He and in the basin of the river. Karatosh.
Ecology and biology.An inhabitant of steppe and semi-arid biotopes with the presence of rock outcrops, shrub thickets, various shelters in the form of crevices, caves, stony placers. In the period of lambing sometimes old burrows of badgers, foxes, marmots are used. Gon - in March-April, young in litter to 10, but on average 4-5.
External appearance.Reminiscent of a large domestic cat, but differs from it very fluffy and dense fur trunk and tail. The length of the body can exceed 60 cm, and the mass reaches 4 kg. Head flattened in front with "whiskers". The general tone of color is dark grayВОЛК КРАСНЫЙ Cuon alpinus Pallas, 1881
Photo from Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia
Spread. In ancient times was an ordinary inhabitant of Southern Siberia. Late Pleistocene-
The remains of the red wolf were found in the spurs of the Eastern Sayan near the Stolby reserve. In the Western Transbaikalia during this period
Was an ordinary view of the valley of the river. Selenga, stayed here in the Holocene.
Ecology and biology.Perhaps the current habitats of red
Wolves in South Siberia are not optimal, which is due to various manifestations of anthropogenic and other environmental factors. At present time gravitate to high mountains. In winter they wander after wild ungulates.
External appearance.The animal is of medium size. Torso moderately elongated on relatively high legs. Ears with rounded apexes, large, strongly pubescentOutside and inside, the tail is fluffy. Winter fur is long, thick. Length
Bodies of adults about 100 cm, body weight up to 20 kg. Coloring of the sides and
Backs reddish, belly and lower part of sides white;
КАБАРГА Moschus moschiferus Linnaeus, 1758
Photo from Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia
Spread. Mainly in the taiga of Western Sayan, in the Abakan
The ridge is more common in the interfluve of the Lesser Abakan and Ona, along the ridges Khuzun, Shaman, along the rivers Karasuma, Kubayka. A small number is recorded on the rivers Terensuk and Assouk
Ecology and biology.Dwells predominantly in the mountainous dark coniferous overgrown with windfalls and an abundance of epiphytic lichens of the taiga. It is kept by separate foci, often confined to rock outcrops. The gon occurs at the beginning of winter, around the end of November, and stretches for a month. Young in number2, rarely 3 or 1 are born in June.
External appearance.The beast is of medium size. Body length up to 100 cm, height
At the withers up to 70 cm, body weight up to 18 kg. No horns. The males have curved upper sharp fangs up to 10 cm long. The wool is very thick, so the wool-
The cover is dense, brown, of different saturation with light
Spots mostly on the sides and back.
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